Dear Friend of Redwood Glen,
For quite some time, I have had the privilege of walking alongside the Board of Redwood Glen. It’s been an amazing experience for two reasons.
First, I have had a front row seat observing God at work. Redwood Glen has survived a series of challenges akin to the plagues in Egypt. The water crisis, forest fire, and COVID; Any one of them could have been the nail in a coffin. COVID was the nail in the coffin of numerous similar camps nationwide.
But in each instance, God intervened. People prayed. Volunteered. Served and gave. Redwood Glen’s existence today is evidence of God’s pleasure with and blessing on the camp and its ministry.
Second, it’s been amazing to watch the Board grow more effective in both its leadership and management roles. They have repeatedly faced hard choices. They’ve had substantive discussions, weighed various options, and prayed for wisdom and direction. They have supported the staff by investing in their growth, retaining the most committed and effective staff members and filling long empty staff positions with very strong candidates.
Filling the empty staff positions brings relief to certain staff members who have been carrying unsustainable workloads. They deserve gratitude and praise for their willingness to serve sacrificially. The Board has communicated its appreciation by giving pay raises to these faithful staff members.
Here’s where you can make a difference. The financial impact of these changes takes effect the first of December. The camp is entering its slow season in December. Registrations will not cover these additional costs until mid-year 2025.
You might wonder, wouldn’t it have been wise for the Board to wait until registrations fully supported the burden of additional staff and pay raises? It might have been wise but not the right thing to do. The pay raises given were long overdue. And the high caliber of the new hires God brought to us now, made acting now, the wise and right thing to do.
Here’s two ways you can make a difference. You can make a year-end gift. Or you could make monthly gifts for the next six months. Actually, now that I think about it, there are three ways you can make a difference. Do both.
My prayer is that God will lead you to join in the good work He is doing through Redwood Glen. And whether He leads you to give or not, please pray that God will continue using the camp for His glory and His Kingdom purposes.
NexStep Coaching and Consulting

There are Several Ways to Support Redwood Glen
Give a one time large deductible donation
Donate stock or another financial security - bottom of this page. See your tax accountant for the advantages of this type of donation. Click here to donate stock.(click here to learn more about this)
Donate all or some of your RMD from your required IRA disbursement if you are 72 or older. Read more about this idea here.
Start or increase a monthly donation (see box below)
Use Text to Give to donate anytime you want
TEXT to Give to Redwood Glen
Text “RWG” (not case sensitive) to 44321
Click the link you receive to land on the donation page
Pick your amount, and choose monthly or one time gift.
Camps at Redwood Glen were important to my Faith Life. So I use RMD to donate. This creates a tax benefit for me and more resources for Redwood Glen.
"The first time I heard about donating to Redwood Glen monthly, I thought 'I do that for my church - I CAN do that for the camp as well."
Thank you to all how have started a monthly donation! You sustain the camp!
Receiving Donations Now
More Christian Impact Event Ideas
Continued Education and Mentoring for Pastors
Creation Stewardship (Environment) Training and Equipping
Racial Reconciliation and Justice Engagement
To avoid processing fees and maximize your gift EMAIL or CALL the camp directly at
(650) 879-0320.
"But who am I and who are my people that we should be able to offer as generously as this? For all things come from You, and from Your hand we have given You."
— 1 Chronicles 29:14, NASB