"Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel: “Once more they shall use these words in the land of Judah and in its cities, when I restore their fortunes: ‘The Lord bless you, O habitation of righteousness, O holy hill!’"
Jeremiah 31:23
The Redwood Glen team and the many who love this place are both excited and blessed: The Chapel of the Woods has been replaced and is in full service. This very special place was rebuilt by staff and volunteers who have worshipped here. It was funded by your donations and a special grant for the Puente group of Pescadero. Thanks be to our Lord Jesus Christ.
Redwood Glen is ready to help you book your next group retreat. Contact us today to check availability and reserve your place at Redwood Glen.
The same God who gave life in the desert to His people by making water flow from a rock, provided water in the beautiful Redwoods saving Redwood Glen and its ministry. The same God who protected Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego generations ago, protected Redwood Glen, allowing it to be singed, but not scorched or consumed.
Redwood Glen is a testament to God’s faithfulness.
He transformed the dream of six Peninsula pastors into a reality that has been used by God to transform countless lives. His sustaining hand has guided the camp through challenges and crises. Reflect on its history, and you’ll marvel at God’s faithfulness and blessing over the decades.
Redwood Glen’s amazing Kingdom impact over the years is a testimony to God’s blessing on and through those individuals who made themselves available, became partners in God’s good work and have been used of God to change people’s lives in time and for eternity.

God is at Work!
Some might see the “third punch,” COVID being the camp’s “knock-out punch.” It needn’t be. Instead it’s one more opportunity for God to show His faithfulness and His blessing. One more chance for His people, maybe you, to partner with Him in His work through Redwood Glen.
You can help turn the silence of this COVID ravaged summer into the sound of children’s voices and squeals of delight among the Redwoods come the summer of 2021.